Thursday, September 23, 2010

Advocate Addresses Her Local Free Holder's Meeting



StandUp said...

This is what all victims should consider doing -- speaking up. Start locally at community meetings, senior citizens, libraries...

Tom said...

What she said was good, but I'm not sure what that was at the end. It didn't seem connected.

Anonymous said...

Good effort!

Barbara said...

I wish I could have seen the faces of the Freeholders as she was speaking to see if they were listening or doing crossword puzzles.

Nice talk.

Mike said...

Common sense, thank you.

Connie said...

The elderly and disabled are the two most abused groups in our society. I am happy to see someone speak up.

Anonymous said...

Tom, go to your meeting and speak out ....... the person gets 5 minutes and she was talking about transportation for the disabled or lack of ....... if everyone is supposed to live in the community how will they get around if they can not drive. She tries and she is vocal ..........

Find a Town meeting, a county meeting, a Senior Citizen meeting
make as much noise as you can.