“I think everyone in the courtroom agrees, it shouldn't have happened,” said Corey Hill, referring to the improper e-mails, several of which were sent by his co-counsel Brenda Church. But he said in court Thursday that it's not enough that retired Commissioner Lindsay Ellis, through her former judicial assistant, was communicating with some attorneys while excluding Marie Long's lawyers.
“They have the burden of establishing prejudice and they failed to meet that burden,” Hill said. “The evidence supports the rulings that Ellis made and there's no basis, based upon these innocuous communications, to undo almost five years worth of litigation.”
Even, apparently, the part of the litigation that wasn't litigated – wherein Ellis returned to the case after her Jan. 15 retirement, possibly due to Church's private urging, and approved Church's $230,000 bill for 2009. Returned, even though the case had already been transferred to another judge. And ruled, without even holding a hearing into what those fees were for, or allowing the old lady's attorneys to object.
It's now up to Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Robert Budoff to decide whether Marie got a fair shake in probate, as she was being protected right into poverty.
Marie was worth $1.3 million when she entered probate in 2005 after a stroke. By last fall, she was dependant upon taxpayers for support.
Full Article and Source:
Did Marie Long Get a Fair Hearing?
See Also:
Marie Long - Protected into the Poorhouse?
Fair hearing? No way!
Something SMELLS very rotten in Maricopa County.
The buzzards are always circling over the body, until THEY bleed it to death!
No, Marie Long didn't get a fair hearing. She got financially exploited by the court system.
Thank you Laurie Roberts for continuing to cover Marie Long's case.
Maricopa County needs to be disinfected.
Why aren't the feds swarming Maricopa County to investigate the judge and the lawyers for possible criminal activity?
You can steal someone's life savings with a gun and you can also do it with a court order.
The judge may not have been biased at all. He may have been on the take.
Lawyers do it "legally" by contributing to judicial candidate's war chests. And they're smart about it. They make donations to both candidates, so it doensn't matter who wins because either way, the new judge is beholden.
I am so pleased to see Laurie Roberts keeping a bright light of focus on Marie Long's case. Everyone needs a champion, especially the helpless.
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