Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Praying for Gary Harvey

In an article in the fall 2010 issue of American Life League's Celebrate Life magazine, Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo and co-executive director of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, wrote (excerpted):

'In January 2006, Gary fell down his basement steps and was left with profound cognitive disabilities. He had no advance directive and had only his wife, Sara, to protect him. Gary was admitted to the Chemung County Nursing Facility in May 2006. Sara soon found herself in conflict with the facility over his care, which she describes as seriously negligent.

'In February 2007, Chemung County stripped Sara of her rights as guardian of her husband, and Gary has remained a ward of the County ever since. In May 2009, he was transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira, where he remains. About two weeks later, the hospital's ethics committee recommended the removal of Gary's nutrition and hydration tube, and the issuance of a do-not-resuscitate order. This was done without the direction of Gary's family and would have ensured his death.

'In June 2009, Chemung County asked the state supreme court to authorize the removal of Gary's feeding tube, but fortunately, Justice Judith O'Shea denied the request. Inexplicably, however, the DNR is still in effect and he remains under the control of Chemung County, despite the fact that it tried to end his life....'

More information on the Gary Harvey case can be found by visiting www.HelpBringGaryHome.com.

Ron Panzer, founder and president of the staunchly pro-life Hospice Patients Alliance, said in an email:

"It's a case that demonstrates the bias of the courts in favor of the culture of death. That the court chose to name someone other than Gary's wife Sara as guardian is despicable and disgraceful. Sara, who loves her husband, has been treated miserably by the court. Yet, it is only through her efforts that Gary's life has been spared.

"Gary's case is a prime example of the battle between the culture that reveres life and loves unconditionally, and the culture of death that would kill Gary were it not for Sara and others who have supported her and placed a public spotlight on Gary's plight."

Pray for Gary and his loved ones — and for those who are in very similar situations worldwide.

Praying for Gary Harvey

See Also:
The Truth About Death Panels by Bobby Schindler




BJ said...

when will the counry just let this poor woman care for her husband for what time he has left. That would be the moral thing to do.

Tom said...

Great artcile Matt Abbott. My heart and prayers go the Harvey's. Keep fighting for your husband Sara. That is what Gary would want or anyone for that matter in a situation like Gary Harvey. The isolation must stop. What on earth is his attorney doing?

Friends of Gary Harvey said...

Maybe this link will help www.judicialwatch.org/contact

StandUp said...

Thank you Matt Abbot, Bobby Schindler and Ron Panzer. Thank you for stating common sense and for your compassion for the vulnerable.

Angi said...

Pray that those having complete control of Gary Harvey have a consience that can be reached.

Anonymous said...

I pray that a large bird drop a huge rock on the heads of those holding Gary hostage and knock some common sense into their stubborn corrupted minds.


Carole said...

Public attention on this case continues to grow and I'm so glad because it's one of the saddest cases I've known.

Nancy said...

Very powerful words from both Bobby Schindler and Ron Panzer.

honeybear said...

Praying every day for Gary Harvey's guardian to do their job and act in his best interest.

Betty Lou said...

I am constantly amazed by how cruel this guardian is to a helpless man who can't fight back and defend himself verbally or defend his wife.

What a bunch of sick people.

Rusty said...

Mr. Schindler and Mr. Panzer are real gentlemen. I thank them for their involvement in this case too. And NASGA.

We pray that Gary and Sara have the continued strength to survive his abominal treatment.

Chris said...

I second your prayer, anonymous!

Barbara said...

Praying for divine intervention...

Don said...

It is getting pretty heated in DC over the exploitation, abuse and neglect of guardianship wards and their family...so lets pray that November 2 on the hill will prevail an outraged of events from our representatives. The doj is already sparked an interest in the coruption going on.

Finny said...

The almighty dollar at work. They must be making a mint off of Gary Harvey.

Derrick said...

Mr. Moshier, Deretha Watterson, and all who are involved in this mess of the invasion of this couple it is your job on the physical side of life to limit hardships for yourself and others. You can choose to be a blessing for many, or you can choose to be one of the people who end up being scorned because of their callousness and lack of compassion. We believe that all people have the ability to be a blessing, but you need to be the one to put that into action. If you see someone struggling, put yourself in their situation so that you will be more likely to act kindly. Doing the right thing in life comes easily. Doing the wrong things will only leave you being seen as a cancer to society. Sometimes, the lack of getting involved to help someone is just as hurtful as if you caused the problem yourself.

Betty said...

I just don't get how these people can sleep at nite knowing what they are doing to this helpless man and his wife. It boggles my mind. Surely they know the difference between right and wrong and recognize that they are treating the Harveys wrongly. Surely they do.