Thomas, disbarred in April, said his backing of Proposition 115 is just the beginning of his fight to reform government.
At a news conference on the state Senate lawn, Thomas announced the formation of a campaign committee, Citizens for Clean Courts, to support the proposed constitutional amendment. Among other things, the measure would give the governor a larger role in selecting state and county judges.
Joining him were family members of elderly Arizonans whose estates have been depleted by probate and fiduciary fees under Maricopa County Probate Court.
Scottsdale resident Patti Gomes said court-appointed lawyers and fiduciaries drained her 90-year-old mother's $1.4 million estate. Gomes and others said their families have been victimized by judges, attorneys and administrators in the probate system.
Thomas said he's not a victim, though he has repeatedly claimed the Arizona judiciary conspired to end his career.
"That is because we got too close to the truth and the judiciary took us out," Thomas said of himself and two former prosecutors.
The Legislature last year placed the proposed constitutional amendment on the November ballot. It was a compromise between judges, the Arizona State Bar, the Governor's Office and those who supported eliminating merit selection in favor of direct election of judges. The measure passed the Senate on a party-line vote, but won a handful of Democratic votes in the House.
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Andrew Thomas Backs Judicial Selection Ballot Measure
Even though not an Arizona citizen, I applaud his courage,and emphsize the need for a complete overhaul of the judicial system. There is too much politics, power, and unwarranted decisions - not made according to law, but whatever each "officer of the court" interprets as law. The Constitution is barely functional, as it is. Too many judicial departments in Washington, and none is responsible for enforcement of people's righs. I know, I have been ther...eb
I agree with you, 100% Anonymous.
Yippee! I'm glad to see citizens standing up strong and the alliance with Thomas should bring more media attention to them.
This is how reform starts. Good for all of you!
Awareness is key and the Internet is giving us the taxpayers, the next in line, we the people the resources to get informed, educated and motivated to see what's waiting for us.
Probate is the largest US industry. Do the math and is anybody who can do something to clean this up adding it up?
Applause to NASGA for years of dedication, volunteering your time and resources for this worthy cause all for the right reasons.
Andrew Thomas is as much a Victim of Judicial Misconduct as every victim of Probate Abuse! Citizens 4
Clean Courts will shake up the establishment & bring it DOWN! Every State & Community must do the
Kudos to Andrew Thomas and his efforts towards court reform. We need more attorneys like him and KD (Cook County, IL).
Citizens for Clean Courts is a great idea and I hope it sweeps the nation.
I hope Mr. Thomas and his group are successful. It would be nice to celebrate a win.
I am now age 86 and have outlived my husband and children. I have lived in Arizona for 20 years and feel anxiety about my future, even though my health and my life are good at this time. I just discovered this website and NASGA and am happy that it exists. The way Andrew Thomas has made lemonade out of the lemon he was handed delights me. You go, man!!
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