What does it take to be a MONEY hero?
Here’s what it takes: hard work, a little financial savvy, and a lot of desire to help others. MONEY started giving a shout-out to folks who fit that bill in 2012, and this year we’re on a mission of our own: proving heroes are everywhere, doing creative and extraordinary work.
Throughout the U.S., people are making extraordinary efforts to improve the personal finances of others. Meet some of those unsung MONEY heroes on this cross-country goodwill tour.
We sought out a hero from each state and the District of Columbia, taking nominations from past honorees, leaders of nonprofit groups, community-service coordinators at for-profit firms, and you, our readers.
The result is a remarkable lineup of people doing good works all across the United States. So see who we’ve spotlighted in each region of the country, watch videos about some little-known heroes, and read some of the good advice that our honorees have for you.
50 Heroes/50 States
Glad to see this article in a time when too many people have lost their way - namely, lawyers and judges.
So proud that Sylvia3604 and NASGA have been highlighted as true heroes. Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com
Wasn't it Money Mag who came out with one of the first detailed articles on guardianship abuse?
Good to see Money Magazine back on guardianship abuse!
Good news for society: Money Magazine is entering the probate cartel zone ~~ good news for we the people who are working hard sacrificing to save our money for ourselves and our rightful heirs while others are looking at us like walking $ signs to redirect our money into their pockets for distribution into their pals pockets.
My common sense thinking is Money Magazine's core beliefs do not fit with the protection industry agenda.
Money needs to know innocent people are respondents to petition for guardianship for the wrong reasons. Petitions contain false information by intent to fool the court into thinking what is written is based on evidence, on truth.
Lying to the court comes naturally whatever it takes to get what the guardianship team wants to control the estate and the person the court almost always goes along with the probate cartel to establish a case.
Fraudulent petitions for emergency guardianship must have consequences.
Fraudulent petitions for permanent guardianship must have consequences.
Who will step up?
Amen to tina d. But kudos to Sylvia and NASGA. My mother (now on her THIRD guardian) fled her country because of communism and loss of basic rights, only to be abused and conned by professional guardians and the courts. People who treat animals like this go to jail or get probation. More needs to be done, but at least we keep making steps in the right direction.
Wonderful recognition to a worthy organization NASGA powered by dedicated people working for no salary, no compensation volunteering for the best interests of society.
And applause and standing ovation to Money Magazine. I hope the uninformed take time to read a previous comment by me:
A comment (in summary) that I left at the NASGA Blog in response to this article: Private "Guardians" Jared E Shafer and Patience Bristol Sue Blind Man for Libel, Now Ask Taxpayers to Pay the Bill.
PROBATE CARTEL. includes guardianships conservatorships with legs into decedent's probate estate cases
C A R T E L definition: an international syndicate, combine, or trust formed especially to regulate prices and output in some field of business – the protection industry segment to the decedent’s probate estate case.
an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
"the Colombian drug cartels"
In a guardianship situation, the competition is the opposing party, the complaining party and their lawyer who could very well be part of the 'cartel' billing with no intentions of a successful conclusion which would result in $00.00 billing. Got it?
Opposing party, the complainants are known as: 'angry, ungrateful, greedy heirs' and 'pre-mortem will contest’. Does it get any uglier?
And we the people, the taxpayers are who are future products of this cartel are funding this lucrative criminal enterprise including picking up the tab for MEDICAID when the estates are drained, when income is redirected into the cartel’s pockets. I hope the IRS is aware of how easy it is to hide income and unearned income while we the average citizens are supporting this enterprise.
Are all guardianships wrongful, bad and abusive? No.
Are all judges part of and beholding to the probate cartel, the combine? No.
In my opinion this fits; and I believe society needs to know what is in their future unless the take immediate preventive actions: Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Property along with advance directives with boxes of copies to be used as needed to wallpaper the walls of health care facility if and when you or your family member is in a hospital UNDER OBSERVATION or ADMITTED AS A PATIENT.
But read more on CARTEL that includes: LAWYERS – PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS and CONSERVATORS with legs into BANKS a ring in real estate, used car industry, resale shops. Look around your house. When a court appoints a Guardian of Estate, before the ink is dry the court appointed fiduciary has 100% control of everything you have in your residence(s) in your vehicles, in your safe deposit box(es) with no oversight.
Probate Cartel has the immunities and court protection of a public cartel although Probate Cartel is a private Cartel with Public Cartel protections with the judges with the rubber stamps approving the activities.
The aim of such collusion (also called the cartel agreement) is to increase individual members' profits by reducing competition (competition is usually the 'family' the 'adult children'.
this is deep very deep secretive area of life hanging over our heads like a guillotine choke hold apparatus from 1700s is being used the minute that petition is filed with the court splat flat on your back court appointed anointed ones place you in that choke hold while your mail is taken from you forwarded to the g of the estate then you are blocked locked out from your income and checking account savings account safe deposit box your clothing all you have around you how to call for your own lawyer who you pray will help you now that you are needing a lawyer your bank accounts are not yours i guess the designers of this choke hold have all that figured out yet most of the average people are clueless to this sure keep watching dumber than dumb tv shows with laff tracks that will really get you all educated as jackasses the next gship case
You made my day Money Magazine thank you good news is always welcome. I am inspired by the work of NASGA executives who are deserving of appreciation for job well done.
Congratulations Sylvia and thank you for staying on course for being a voice for people who can't speak for themselves.
You can count on me.
Nice very nice.
Families who fight the good fight trying to protect and free their loved ones are heroes.
Sylvia leads the charge!
There must be some great people working at Money Magazine.
Betrayed by the Bench and ALL their flying winged monkeys....
Dear Money Magazine,
For a sense of the sad state of probate in Colorado, please see these investigative reports by the Denver Post's David Olinger:
"Heirs cry foul, say two Colorado probate lawyers depleted their estates"
"Colorado probate courts fail to protect those at risk, audit finds"
"Probate court rife with lapses in training, oversight
Who's protecting the unprotected?"
Thank you for reading,
Colorado Probate Victim
First I’d like to say “Congratulations” and ”Thank You” to Sylvia, Lori and Elaine for their tireless efforts in this struggle that we all face. I am grateful for all that the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA) and its partner organizations do for these causes. I feel that every member of these organizations is a hero. Many heroes have courageously stood up to threats and retaliation by these above-the-law gangs. Many heroes have paid dearly, watching their loved ones suffer and die at the hands of so called “Guardians.” Many heroes have seen the legacy that their parents built destroyed by so called “Conservators” lining their own and their accomplices’ pockets. Thanks to everyone who helps make NASGA great!
From what I have witnessed here in Colorado, many probate attorneys seem to be racketeers in suits, preying on helpless men, women and children. I am aware of millions of dollars of wealth, in several estates, repeatedly squandered by a relatively small group of attorneys who seem to swap roles between Guardian Ad Litem, Guardian and Conservator as they methodically plunder estates.
Keep up the great work.
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