Michaele, who is formerly a “Real Housewives D.C.” star, is trying to become the conservator over her mother, Rosemary Holt.
According to documents, filed by both Neal and Michaele, Rosemary recently fell in the parking lot and was hospitalized. During the hospitalization, the hospital made the decision to release her and file to appoint a temporary guardian (a lawyer connected to the hospital) to handle her care, and admitted her to an assisted living facility.
Michaele claims she wasn’t involved in the decision to leave her mother, and says that since being admitted she is now being held against her will and has developed severe medical issues. Included in the filing, Michaele claims her mother developed an sacral wound on her back that caused her to become delirious.
The documents, filed by attorney Troy Martin, ask that the Schons take over full control of Rosemary’s personal decisions and her estate. Neal and Michaele claim it has gotten so bad that she is “in a substandard and dangerous assisted living facility,” and claim “She has suffered lacerations and contusions at this facility. She is being denied dental care which has resulted in severe dental problems.”
The couple attached graphic photographic evidence of the injuries and sores, and also included photos of the 91-year old Rosemary sleeping upright in a chair and appearing to be in pain while laying on a couch. They say, “She is so uncomfortable in her room, she frequently sleeps on the couches or chairs in the lobby.”

The stars claim they’ve already been paying for Rosemary’s expenses and care, and have recently purchased her a home where they will pay the full cost of hiring a nurse and provide constant care.
However, we’re told the other members of Michaele’s family are supportive of Rosemary staying in the Virginia assisted living facility, so it appears the fight will have to be settled in court.
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Journey Guitarist Neal Schon Helps Wife Michaele Schon Battle In Court to Save Elderly Mother
It's the same old scenario again --- leaving family out when family is needed most.
I wish we could talk on the phone. Sounds very familiar . Sounds like my family and issues we had with my moms care
It's the same Cookie Cutter Crime! This needs to stop!
Prayers God Bless to your Mom hope it goes in your FavorQuickly!
If they are paying for it Neal and Michaele should do what is best for her which is take care of her the way she should be taken care of...I hate Nursing Homes...I hope you guys win in Court and your Mother can be with you guys where she can live in peace and not have to be in pain or worry about anything.
What BS ... the Schons want to "win" because all it is to them is a contest. Had they had the Mom's best interest at heart, she would have been in CA a long, long time ago.
How do YOU both live with yourselves after all YOU have done to Rosemary and your family? You are two of the most selfish, self-center people I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with.
Sounds to me like the other members of the family don't give a crap about her! I hope that Neal and Michalea will be able to move her out to California and get home care.
This isn't going to work out for Michaele Schon or her Mother. But the lawyers involved will get rich. That we know.
It is not fun to grow old, and the Holt children better remember as they grow older you will learn the hard way. Use common decency and put aside jealous feelings; let Neal and your sister take care of the life she has left! You each must remember: you did not raise your selves; your mother nursed and cared for you and now this is how you show your gratitude?
This is in Va,the facilities don't care about the patients,they get abused,tied down in chairs or beds,left for hrs without any care,God forbid if a patient needs help feeding themselves or going to bathroom,and if questions are ask about the patients loosing weight or bruises. .always same answers she/he won't eat, was a little unstable on their ft..,they (patients)do all this to get attention..I've had family members in places in Va..they're only after the money they don't care about the patients,I had one aunt they said "she's getting the best care but the stroke she had she would be there until her death". And she would have been if we'd left her there, the first week she suffered a fall had a knot on her head as big as an egg,and her neck,shoulder was dislocated..when taken to er,for injuries they put a feeding tube in,and said it was just a matter of days,she wasn't going to make it...well guess what her kids took her home that was 5yrs ago she's 90 doing well,no feeding tube or anything..she did need help putting weight on and getting her strength back from where she was in the healthcare facility ...if she had stayed there she would have died within few weeks...there are a few healthcare workers who do care and try to help patients but they are few and far between,and the system ties their hands so they can't help..if she's in a Virginia care facility get her out fast....before its to late..
The Schons are full of it. Because they are "famous" that's the only reason they get away with the lies. People need to face reality and know they could give a damn and they just want to win, as usual. All it's ever been about is money. When they t our, why not spend time with Mrs. Holt? They are egotistical, selfish, self-absorbed individuals. They will pay the price one day … but then again, they have no conscious. They are the most delusional couple ever. Rather then step up to the plate and actually do something, they choose to make this public so they get their "fans" support. I really feel sorry for you both.
You are 100% wrong. You need to get the TRUE facts, but the crap they post. They aren't even close to the truth.
How in the world can you tag ALL THE facilities in VA as garbage. Boy do people need to grow up.
They Holts love their Mom more than ANYTHING in this world - with the exception of Michaele. All she's ever cared about is herself. Married to the wine guy, crashing the White House, Housewives of Washington, DC - she has NEVER cared for anyone other than herself. Now she's with the same kind of person - absolutely horrific.
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