Monday, May 16, 2011

56K Seniors Victims of Abuse and Neglect in Texas

It's a crime that reaches into thousands of homes... maybe yours... and often... people aren't even aware of it.

How bad is elderly abuse? Here are some numbers that demonstrate the problem.

More than 56 thousand Texans who are older than 65 were victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation in 2010.

About a thousand of those Senior Citizens were victims who lived in Jefferson County.

Dozens of people walked through downtown Beaumont...they held signs & chanted... to make people aware of the victims of elderly abuse.

“I think we made enough noises down the street we got people's attention,” said Angella Holland.

Full Article and Source:
56,000 Senior Citizens Victims of Abuse and Neglect


Thelma said...

The problem is national in scope.
If the legislatorsl won't fix it,

StandUp said...

Guardianship abuse IS elder abuse!