Friday, May 20, 2011

Jerry Eckwood is Conserved

On Tuesday [5/10/11", [Judge Randy} Kennedy sided with the NFL Player Care Foundation, which asked the judge in January to appoint someone to help [Jerry] Eckwood make financial and medical decisions.

Kennedy ruled that the duty should be permanently held by Watson and Kristy Robinson with Elder Care Options Consultants, whom he initially appointed to serve temporarily in that role.

“The NFL was not trying to take over his life,” said Christina Norris, a Nashville-based lawyer for the NFL Player Care Foundation.

“It just wants to give him better access to that $88,000 a year that he is entitled to. Most families say, ‘Thank goodness.’ ”

But Eckwood has told court officials that he wants to live on his own and to “get the NFL out of my business.”

Full Article and Source:
Judge Sides With NFL to Help Former Player


Thelma said...

Let's hope that the NFL people are straight, because we know Kennedy sure as hell is not!

Haileigh said...

The NFL wants Eckwood to have the $80K a year he's entitled to? Really?

Well, what they did was give it to the conservatorship instead. Mr. Eckwood now no longer has a right to his own money. Shame on the NFL>

Freddy said...

Someone posted on the last Jerry Eckwood story that his goose was already cooked and that person was right.

Anonymous said...

Kennedy is a criminal and so are Christy Norris, June House, Tom Ware, John Kitch, Beth Boone, Paul Housch, John Clemmons, and a few other attorneys who routinely scam people by appointing attorney conservators for them (never a family member who will do it for free) who proceed to rake their estates. It's also some kind of sicko control thing for Kennedy. Like another commentor stated, Chris Norris is wrong (and she knows it) when she says that the money will go to Eckwood. If that were true, he wouldn't oppose it. Nashville, TN needs a spring cleaning of judges, legislators, and attorneys. Buford Pusser, "Where are you?"