Such is the case with Fifth Third Bank in The Conservatorship of John Daniel Tate.
The atrocious and criminal conduct of this banking institution is an example of how our government has become corrupt within itself at a level never before in the history of the United States.
As the economy went south, Uncle Sam bailed out the banks, but where has he been for “we, the people”?
Fifth Third Bank continues to refuse Danny Tate access to the conservatorship account they housed from the illegal inception of the conservatorship even though they have had an Order from the 7th Circuit Court terminating the conservatorship on May 24, 2010, nunc pro tunc (the minute it rolled off the judge’s tongue).
They participated illegally in the fraudulent and hostile take over of Danny Tate’s account when David Eugene Tate showed up with a cooked DPOA (this is already well established) and allowed David Tate to proceed in cleaning out the accounts for his own use (we will start a series very soon specifically on David E. Tate and his illegal, deviant actions, for it will take a series to cover it all, and we will present the necessary documentation to substantiate every allegation).
Full Article and Source:
Fifth Third Bank, Co-Conspirators in the Probate Racket
Don't think that the judge has nothing to do with the fact of all that protection and coverup of crime.
Banks are big players in the g'ship racket!
Does anybody know why the judiciary discipline committee allows Randy Kennedy to retain his bench?
Thank you for continuing to post this series.
follow the votes and the $ sign those who fund elections and re-elections depend on each other to keep their positions paid for by we the little people what a system and if we oppose we need to hire a lawyer eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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