You would think that considering all of the grief that Dorothy’s law guardian, Mary Giordano, caused both Dorothy and Diane; the only child fighting for her happiness; that when Mrs. Wilson passed into spirit that Mary would have stopped her nonsense. Instead, Diane, who was rightfully assigned as the executrix of the meager estate left after Mary Giordano was given free reign to financially plunder several hundred thousand dollars through a reverse mortgage and other ways, with the approval of Judge Joel Asarch, is still fighting for the pittance of money that was left. Mary Giordano has had no trouble forwarding the bills associated with the cost of maintaining Dorothy’s home and previous care. However, she has not released the funds to pay for it. All of her actions continue to highlight how unscrupulous, callous and greedy she is.
Full Article and Source:
Overcoming the Heartbreaking and Emotional Drain of Condoned Law Guardian Abuse
See Also:
The Heartbreaking Elevation of Guardian Abuse, Part IV
It happened to me and I'll never get over it.
The description of the law guardian in the Wilson case could be used for so many guardians. Not all guardians are bad, but when they are, there is no redress and people suffer needlessly.
Legally condoned corruption is a good way of puttin it!
Make no mistake, the guardianship killed Dorothy Wilson just the same as if the guardian and the judge had taken a pillow to her. She wanted to go home and she begged and pleaded for her home and her daughter. How very sad. The guardian and the judge should hang their heads in shame.
It's not just condoned law guardian abuse; I think it's a RICO matter!
There is no getting over wrongdoing. Impossible to forget the cruel treatment. It helps to direct your energies to educate society, saving other innocent victims from a life sentence of abuse and heartbreaking memories is the right thing to do.
Energy and efforts into reforming guardianship laws with oversight and consequences for those who fail to act in the best interest of the ward is a good beginning.
Court Ordered Hell
I am praying for this family and all the families affected by guardianship abuse.
The judge is to blame here. He should have saw to it that there was a speedy hearing and that Dorothy Wilson was heard. But no, he (like about all judges) paid no attention to Dorothy's age or condition. And she died before she was able to come home.
How sad. And how unnecessary.
Praying for you, Diane.
I am glad there is an organization like NASGA for victims to go to for support.
Thank you all for your prayers. It's been 3 months since Mom passed and I still cry like it was yesterday. Every time I get another envelope in the mail from Mary Giordano's "law" office, I get anxious and sick to my stomach. For three years she harrassed me and discriminated against me, lied about me, denied my visitation with Mom for many weekends and weeks at a time and holidays. She locked Mom up three different times and I fought her every time. the last time was just too much, so yes Lindsey, you are right. The guardianship did kill Mom...Judge Joel Asarch of the Nassau County Supreme court in Mineol, NY refused to help her. The NYS Judicial commission and all of its members were aware of what Mary Giordano and Joel Asarch and Anne Recht were doing; but they refused to step in to save her life. they all refused to listen to her please to go home. In my opinion, they are all guilty of murder.
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