Thursday, February 9, 2017

Steve Miller: Update on Patience Bristol

In an update to my earlier E-Brief, convicted elder exploiter Patience Bristol, a former employee of private guardian Jared E. Shafer, is still serving out her three to eight year prison term.

According to a source at the Casa Grande Transitional Housing facility in Las Vegas, the Nevada Parole Board refused to shorten her sentence, and if she is denied a requested early release on June 4, she will continue to serve out her time until November when her three minimum years of incarceration are scheduled to be completed.

The source states that she has a job during the day, but must spend each night at the transitional housing facility located at 3955 West Russell Road in Las Vegas. The correctional system reportedly takes half of her income for room and board. The source says that the half way house has people who check on Bristol during the day when she is at her workplace to make sure she's not doing anything she shouldn't.

In 2014, while employed at Shafer's Professional Fiduciary Services of Nevada, Inc. (PFSN), she was convicted of stealing money from the elderly or disabled people she was tasked with caring for.

During her PFSN employment as a guardian, she stole at least $200,000 in money and property from four vulnerable people Shafer assigned her to care for. As part of her plea agreement, Bristol agreed to pay over $160,000 in restitution payments to her victims.

Jared Shafer
Jared Shafer was never charged with a crime though he is currently under state and federal investigation.

His business office once located on Pecos Road in Las Vegas has reportedly been closed for the past several months. Clark County Family Court judges who have been accused of colluding with Shafer by appointing him wealthy wards of the court are now reportedly appointing another private guardian, Denise Comastro, the bulk of persons purportedly deemed in need of guardianship.

Comastro has been accused of being a Shafer crony. ~ Steve Miller


David Hugh said...

Thank you, Steve Miller, for keeping everyone up to date on Nevada, especially on Jared Shafer, April Parks, and Patience Bristol.

Anonymous said...

Since Denise C. seems to be certified with the Aging Life Care Association, those consumers who allege she is being unethical could file a complaint with this body. They have an ethical review board and have a vested interest in maintaining their reputation as a certifying agency. Great reporting!

Anonymous said...

She hasn't changed and still take advantage people, but, maybe not to that extent. Being new to Vegas I had no idea who she was or what she had done. I thought I was helping a single mom, until someone told me to Google her. Thank you for this page! Once I read this months back I quickly stopped being helpful for her. She is waiting tables as far as I know. I quit working there. I won't work in a place that would hire her.

Anonymous said...

She is not a single mother needing help. Her children live with their dads not with her at all.

Anonymous said...

Any updates on this?

Unknown said...

She is up to her old tricks again. Embezzling money from her work. She's trying to get out of it by claiming sexual harassment. She is an evil bitch who deserves to be in prison

Anonymous said...

To The previous commenter Matt Beatty. It’s sad that you and your cohort Marc Cote harassed her and then when she tried to protect herself and others from the harassment in the work place you pinned your own theft and embezzlement from the work place and customers on her to protect yourself and Marc. Who is the scam artist now?

Anonymous said...

To the previous commenter on April 16. It’s terrible that you the general manager at her work place sexually harassed her on a company trip and allow another employee to sexually harassed her and others in the work place. Then when she try’s to protect herself and others you blame her for theft and embezzlement to cover up your own embezzlement. Maybe she is not the bad person that needs to be in jail

Anonymous said...

you know you liked what happened on that trip though

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt Beatty, have you told your wife and kids that you were having a love affair with Patience. Or told the owners of Sierra Truck body that you used their money to go on company paid trips with her to truck equipment shows and Hawaii. What about the customers that you have charged for your personal parts on your own vehicles. Criminals like you deserve to be in prison.

Anonymous said...

Has patience told about how she had set with 7 men at her work

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Damn I want an update on this soap opera

Anonymous said...

she can be found walking on boulder highway by the budget suites. doing mouth parties for a roll of quarters

Anonymous said...

She's on Boulder hiway giving mouth parties for a roll of quarters

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is better than the reality tv shows! Let hear more!

Anonymous said...

She sent tit picks to balsack from her bed with you know who

Anonymous said...

She got fired from hirshi masonry after someone googled her. She's looking for a job now. Karma got her again

Anonymous said...

I heard she is doing really well. She has definitely turned her life around. Seems she is working progressively to live her life the right way. We are not our mistakes we are are who we become when we learn from them and she is choosing to be a productive member of society. She has served her time, she can not change the past. It was alleged she did some terrible things and yes, she may have a admitted to some of those things but she released because she was considered ready to try and be a part of society in a good way.
No one says forget about what she has done but don’t slander her and post mistruths about her. It doesn’t do any good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She has done her time. She is trying to be a productive member of society. She was released because the State believed she was ready. We are not our mistakes but we are who we became when we learn from them. Employers do background checks, employees or people who go searching to get someone fired should be ashamed. Don’t we want people like her working and paying her taxes or do we want her unemployed while we as tax payers pay her to stay home. Think about it.
Also posting mistruths about individuals doesn’t serve any of us well.
Move on- be the good in the world not the bad. Wishing bad karma on someone just puts it back on you.

Anonymous said...

Do you have proof of this or is this just more lies? Slandering people, defamation of character not a good thing. I would look closely at what you have contained in that glass house of yours. Hate for someone to expose all the choices you have made in life. I’m sure not all of them have been the kind that you can say you are proud of- remember she did her time. If she is doing adult things with other adults let that be their thing- the public doesn’t really care. So it’s just a waste of our time trying to make her look worse. That’s all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this what we want to do? She seems to be trying to be productive member of society from what I have heard.
We are not our mistakes but we are who we become when we have learned from them. It was alleged that she did horrible things. She will not be awarded the opportunity to do those things again on a professional basis. Employers… decent ones do there back ground checks. When they hire hopefully they give thought to how she will work for them but at the end of the day, the State tried and convicted her and she did her time. She is out now and needs to contribute as member of society. We need her to be employed not unemployed as someone has to pay for that too. We do not need to come on here an post comments slandering her on things she may or may not do in her personal life. Unwarranted defamation of character does not serve anyone well. Remember those who wish to thrown stones at glass houses should look at what they have contained in their own. If people want to post facts then post them keep it relevant to what the blog is supposed to be about.

Anonymous said...

Bullshuit. She didn't serve her time, she greased some corrupt fingers and got off with a slap on the wrist. She should be in prison for life for what she did .

Anonymous said...

She hasn’t learned anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree. She hasn’t learned or changed her ways. She just has a different way of going about doing things these days. Definitely not a victim.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She was laying on the sidewalk by my work today ,pissed and shit all over herself. Spun out on drugs and yelling at people. The cops came and told her to leave but she kept yelling at them so they took her away ..