Perhaps most telling is the fact that this supposed guardian flatly and repeatedly refuses to allow and arrange an outside independent medical second opinion that would provide a revealing *objective* assessment of the truth about the 'treatments' and non-treatment that have been pursued under the present so-called "care" of Mr. Harvey.
This is beyond suspicious.
Gary's beloved wife just wants him to get a medically very appropriate second opinion and opportunity to access some prominent doctors in the field of brain injury who just might be able to help her husband get a little better and hopefully come home. What is wrong with that? Nothing. What would be right about that? Everything.
Thus begins a new phase of advocacy efforts on behalf of Gary E. Harvey of Horseheads, New York: It is not on technical legal grounds that I propose to fight as a coordinated broad-based community against the people who are doing this to him, but rather it is on moral grounds that I propose we all do this. It is a moral issue. And this is America. It's time for these questionable people to be shown in a most compelling manner what Americans (and Canadians) can do when a moral issue like this develops inside the closed realm of a potentially corrupt power that picks on or feeds off of vulnerable people like Gary Harvey and his wife.
Let me assure you: we do not intend to be fooled into allowing this risk to spread unchecked. Follow the story of our fight here at this Facebook Page. Join your voices of concern to let these dubious controllers know that they ought to be made examples of for anything bad that happens to Gary. You can use your own voice of support right on this Facebook Page. Add your voice to help rescue Gary Harvey.
~ Sam N. Sansalone, August 4th, 2011
Full Introduction and Source:
Facebook: Rescue Gary Harvey
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I think having a facebook page is the way to go. The social media can't be quashed!
What is it they are trying to hide that a truly independant doctor may discover?
If they have nothing to hide then why all the fuss?
They say the are protecting him? How? What has Gary Harvey's appointed attorney Kevin Moshier and Deretha Watterson done to protect Gary's rights, and most recent privacy that they all been hiding under the guise of HIPAA?
What is his doctor doing? What is it he is to protect Gary.
I visited the FB page and listened to the radio interview. This is great that Gary's story is generating international media attention. Makes me wonder what Chemung County will have to say to the world about what they have done to Gary. I bet they will have "no comment". Seems most cowards and liars rarely have anything to say when the cameras are turned on them.
Court appointed protectors protecting what what? who? and why?
with all this protection the boomers are doomed.
Thank you Sam for accepting the challenge. May it conquer and send a message to the American people that we are not going to stand for it.
Those in fact complete strangers have no business making decisions on your loved one.
This advocacy is for all the victims fighting for a loved that are in the hands of complete strangers. May it save, despair and warn those who have not yet experienced what Gary and I have.
I would not want anyone even the county appointees, state and local entities, service providers of care or, lack thereof to live the nightmare that is forced upon my husband.
Sam you are brave and a champion to take on the crooks of of our courts.
It's facebook that ignited the uprising in Egypt and it can ignite an uprising for justice here as well. I will join this effort.
Thank you for coming to the aid of the helpless, Mr. Sansalone.
With you on the Harvey team, Sam, Gary can't lose!
This is so very stupid. The guardian should welcome the opportunity to allow Mr. Harvey a thorough examination by an independent professional.
First, the results could boster their claim that they're taking care of Mr. Harvey.
Second, a new pair of eyes might have some ideas to help Mr. Harvey in ways that his current physician hasn't thought of.
For the guardian to fight Mrs. Harvey over a second opinion, which is everyone's right, is a major clue that the guardian isn't looking out for Mr. Harvey.
I don't wish Gary Harvey's condition on anyone, but I do wish that the persons in total control of him at least dream that they are in his condition so they can feel how it feels to be totally helpless and at the mercy of complete strangers. I think people such as Harvey's guardian have lost their sense of humanity. Life is a business to them and what they haven't figured out is some day, they may find themselves in the same circumstances as Harvey. And when that happens to them, they'll not want people controling their lives in the same disregard as they have for him. They'll want their loved one in control, just as Harvey wants his wife making the decisions.
I will pray for your success, Mr. Sansalone, for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey's sake. You sound like you have the spunk, tenacity, and determination to rescue Gary Harvey.
Thank you for caring and for all the hard work you will be doing in Gary Harvey's behalf.
God Bless you and keep you strong!
Rescue Gary Harvey! Yea!
In response to Brian
Not only do they not want Gary to have an independent second medical opinion, they do not want him to have -- and they are objecting to;
an attorney
an appeal of their decision-making whether judicial administrative or otherwise
a course of rehabilitative treatment
a life free of narcotics
free association with his wife and friends
and the list goes on ...
All 'wars' must be fought on many fronts; to ignore one, is dangerous: human interest, morals, etc. and the law. As Robert F. Kennedy once said, "Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which cans sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
Guenter Schabowski pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket and read out a decree stating that visas would be freely granted to those wanting to travel outside or leave the Country. The announcement led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. But that had no been Schabowski's intention. One sentence badly phrased freed thousands of people: however, It could have finished in a bloodbath.
Gary Harvy should get a second, and maybe third diagnosis, and Sara Harvey should be the person who determines his care. Ergo, social networks are good, but one person using the wrong words, or phrases, etc. can do as much good as harm.
That is why one can not forget the LAW. Then the Village of moralistic, idealistic, men and women will bring dow the Wall and save Gary's life1
Sam's right. What's it going to hurt to give Gary a second opinion? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, why is the guardian being so obstinate? Could it be to just get back and torture Sara for speaking up for her husband?
This is VERY sad and so unnecessary. And this is what happens when third parties who have no feelings for their wards (and apparently, no moral compass) are put in place instead of a family member.
The legal system should be embarrassed.
Praying for Gary Harvey's freedom...
No second opinion? What are these sick bastards hiding?
Andy, The answer to your question is what will they say to the world is this...and what they have been using all along..
"I can not comment because of privacy."
But it did not stop his own doctor from talking. hhhmmmm isn't that a violation? And what did Kevin Moshier the appointed attorney do???? absolutley nothing! I bet everyone would want an attorney like him defending your loved ones rights.
Funny they have made it very difficult for me to get records for the past 4 years.
added to Tims list...
Religious beliefs......
Association with freinds...
strickly controlled environment......meaning he can not go outside for fresh air....
can not listen to his wife's voice during times she is not allowed to visit.....
his own doctors....
can not get in his own customed chair....
personal care....
and more.....
Gary Harvey is a prisoner. He never gets out of his room and only catches a glimpse of the outside when the door is opened so an aide or nurse can enter. How often is that?
It's so sad to think that human beings can treat someone this way and get away with it.
It's not easy going up against the system, but aren't we lucky some people like Sam are fearless?
Godspeed,Sam and Sara.
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