State Reps. Marc Lombard and Jim Lyons, both Republicans, announced on Wednesday that 12 representatives have already signed on to support the resolution.

“The self-stated goal of the Department of Children and Families is to strengthen the link between families. Removing a child from her family is reserved for only the most egregious circumstances where evidence of malicious intent, negligence or the blatant inability to care for the child is present.
No such findings are present in this case,” Lombardo said in a press release. Lyons argued the Pelletier case is a “dispute between conflicting medical opinions” and treatment decisions should be left to parents, not DCF.
“The Department’s heavy-handed, unjustified interference with the rights of these parents is an example of what is wrong with this agency,” he added.
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Major Update in Justina Pelletier Case; Lawmakers Get Involved, Teen will not be Transferred to Foster Care
Best news I've heard today!
you can not trust massachusetts boston probate court , you should never have been taken away at all. the best thing the parents did was ignore the gag order. also where they held her against her and the family's wishes . they should be reimbursed for each day she is held from you. you can not sue a judge in mass courts , but check out the federal civil rights , you may be able to get criminal charges against the judge i am praying for you and your angel. frank holland , a fellow victim of the state of massachusetts
I hope this shines a light on the problems with CPS.
This is such fantastic news!!! It brings to mind a distubing reminder that when individuals have deliberately designated their advance directives and the judge disregards those wishes without even a consideration or a hearing, they are not only breaking the law, they just signed away someone's life. All for GREED and POWER. IT IS PATHETIC AND DISGUSTING!!!
I'm so glad. She needs to go home now and the hospital should hang their heads in shame.
Shows that Guardianships should be illegal and that agencies that get federal funding are being used to take children, the disabled and elderly for profit.
A well oiled machine that needs to be dismantled. Cash for kids was another nightmare in Pa where kids were locked away for profit.
Let Justina go home ...... let her
not fear for her freedom and civil rights. Shame on the United States for allowing this industry to be able to steal human life for profit.
This tickles me pink!
Actually, you can sue a judge. A judge is not immune for acts committed outside his jurisdiction or authority.
That is a loophole you could drive a truck through in some CPS and APS cases.
Lawyers and judges who don't pay attention to this exception to judicial immunity are playing with fire.
this could very well be the reasoning as to why Protective elder services moved the date up for the hearing about my parents. and I still do not have any help. on the 26th they are striking the objections to obtain permanent guardianship
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