The Ohio attorney general's office, which pursues Medicaid fraud, is investigating, The Dispatch has learned, although a representative would not comment.
Advocacy & Protective Services Inc. received the money in 2009 for administrative costs from the Department of Developmental Disabilities. The questions arose after the department sought reimbursement from Medicaid - the state health-care program for the poor and disabled.
"The Department of Developmental Disabilities has been unable to provide sufficient documentation to support the services performed by Advocacy & Protective Services and subsequent costs reimbursed through (Medicaid)," according to a 10-page preliminary audit by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
Instead, the state agency was simply cutting checks on a regular basis to the company even though it didn't detail what the money was for, the preliminary audit found.
A final audit has not been released, but preliminary findings were provided to The Dispatch in response to a public-records request.
Advocacy & Protective Services (APSI) is a private, nonprofit organization based in Columbus that is under contract with the developmental-disabilities agency to serve as a court-appointed legal guardian and trustee for about 4,800 Ohioans with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities.
Full Article and Source:
State Audit Faults Disability Agency in Spending of $1.3 Million
ow much did they pass without screening before and after 2009?
Investigating only one year?
Good point, Thelma. If they did it one year, they did it many others!
What a victory for the victims of APSI!!!
Good for you, Ohio members of NASGA. Way to go!
This is happening all over the US.
Kuddos to ohio for exposing it.
If we want to save money at the federal level, look to forced guardianships for costs savings.
I hope the people investigating will be diligent and faithful in documenting the potential fraud, and then take action to prosecute those involved.
Proof positive that sometimes what goes around really does come around.
This is a major victory for victims!
looks like a program of "adults for cash"
they all deserve to be hung. What get's me most in these cases is while the agency charged with the duty is profiting, the deserving cases that truly need investigated and prosecuted suffer a near complete lack of investigation and oversight. Clearly these agancies and program create victims by their own doing, as if there were not enough victims already.
One more explanation on why the country is broke.
We couldn't have untangled this unholy mess without the skill, expertise and diligence of two dedicated employees of the State of Ohio - Lloyd Early, Special Agent-In-Charge of Ohio's award-winning Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and Al Dickerson, Auditor for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. WAY TO GO!!! (and thanks)
@ Anonymous (and any others who might be aware of public guardians that are defrauding Medicaid or neglected their wards)
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has announced that examination of public guardianship programs across th country, is a high priority for 2012.
If you are aware of problems with public guardian, feel free to contact us. We can help you get to CMS employees who are anxious to help.
This makes me smile ear to ear!
Congratulations APSI victims, for all your hard work paid off!
Take a bow, Ohio advocates and those employees of the State of Ohio who got involved and did the right thing!
Why was the court sending so many people to this agency?
Google "kids for cash" - 2 judges were sending juvenile delinquents to a center and getting a kickback. They will soon be in jail.
Mr. Lloyd Early, Special Agent-In-Charge of Ohio's award-winning Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and Mr. Al Dickerson, Auditor for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, take a bow.
We have 0 employees like you in Pennsylvania. And the corruption goes on and on and on.
If it's proven that they didn't just screw up (and who could make a $1.3 mil mistake?), then APSI should be charged with Medicaid fraud and prosecuted. And their license should be revoked as well.
Anyone in other states got problems with a public guardian like APSI? If so, please contact me so that we can compare notes.
Thank you for all your hard work to expose this criminal behavior!! yah!! In Oregon, it is my understanding that after the Guardian depletes the "protected persons" assets then they send the lucky ones being "protected" to a home and is paid for by Medicaid because if the $$ is gone then the person is "unable" to pay for ANY facility. A loved one in my family was put in the hospital after sitting at home with a bladder infection for over a month. When the guardian tried to do the next dirty trick (putting him in a home) she found out that due to her "wards" federal employment history that he did not qualify for it. So.....she sent him home to be put on 'hospice" and after being given Seroquel, Haldol, Oxy etc. he died shortly after. These people are evil.....View Paycheck
Too much money involved to be a honest mistake..
Very Proud of the State Of Ohio employee's dedicated in doing what is Right. What do you bet this is just the icing on the cake and more is to come ?
Thank You for all your hard work !
I live in canton ohio I have 2 kids my kids are in foster care the worker that was on my case told a lot of lies I had a public defener on my case he did not do noting on my case my kids are still suffering in foster care we have to stop cps / family court cps is all about money I would like for everyone to know my landlord is helping me & many other parents / families in our fight for our children / grandchildren we are trying to start up a organization to help parents / families that have had children taken wrongful / put up for aoption / sale I would like for anyone to contact me my e-mail is kindnessohio@att.net LET'S STOP CPS
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