He managed the parts department at an auto dealership. She ran the household. As the couple eased into their 90s, they had saved almost $500,000 to cushion their old age.
Connie Gay Cole, in her mid-40s, never worked much. But that didn't stop her from frittering away money on fancy pickup trucks, speedboats and gambling junkets.
Unfortunately for the Morgans, their nest egg bankrolled Cole's spending spree.
It wasn't hard for Cole to gain the couple's confidence.
They knew Cole so well and trusted her so much. And why not?
She was their favorite granddaughter.
Today, the Morgans and Cole are penniless. The Morgans live in nursing homes and the state pays for most of their care. Cole is in prison.
Full Article and Source:
Woman embezzles life savings from grandparents
More information:
Clackamas County Sheriff's Office investigates elder-abuse case
Mac woman gets 6 years for elder abuse
Family theft is the absolute worse and it opens the door to guardianship for the victim.
Things go from bad to worse very quickly.
Another heartbreaking case. And, again, the taxpayers are left with the tab.
I would give the perp life in prison so she will be old and feeble in her cage.
No mercy, whatsoever, this is what we need, stronger laws with shark teeth or this abuse will continue.
It is amazing....The Clackamas County Sheriff had time and money to investigate" Criminal Mestreatment" in the embezzlement of Grandparents, and had it successfully prosecuted.
My case (above) was potentially identified as a criminal act, "Aggravated Theft in the First Degee, Criminal Mistreatment, and
Misappropriation of Entrusted Property" yet NO action was taken..neither when Neglect was reported by my executor, nor when I discovered Fraud in the Probate Department, after I had suffered a stroke. NO ONE was willing to investigate due to lack of funds, or an excuse, that the statute of limiation has expired over the period of 6 years. My fight for my Civil Rights to my own Assets, is continuing after 10 years - and I am still alive to defend my Rights in spite of Judicial Tyranny and criminal intent by a perpetrator, my "estranged" son and his attorney.
All of Clackamas County Circuit Court, Probate Department, The Clackamas County District Attorney and the Sheriff's Department, should all be investigated by Federal Marshalls, to see if they are abiding by Law, or pick and choose by preference.
Obviously, my documents prove discrimination.
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